Zoning By-law and Zoning Compliance Letters

Zoning is regulated by the Zoning By-Law which is a detailed land use regulatory document identifying specific provisions that may apply to the potential use of land (including buildings and structures). When reviewing development proposals and land use, Council must have regard for Provincial planning policies as well as for compliance with the Official Plan. Council may consider amendments to the Zoning By-Law in accordance with the requirements of the Ontario Planning Act.

Zoning Compliance Letters

Individuals, lawyers, financial institutions and other interested parties may request written confirmation of a land use, building or structure compliance to the Zoning By-Law and other applicable requirements. These requests can be done as a Service Request  online or by contacting the Building & Planning Division by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 613-258-9569 ext. 116. 

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Accessibility Statement

Municipal Office
285 County Road #44,
PO Box 130
Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0

Monday through Friday
8:30 am - 5:00 pm

General Inquiries

Arena Staff (business hours)
613-258-9569 ext 141 or 175

Arena Staff (evenings/weekends)
613-316-2451 or 613-316-5010

After-hours Emergency Number

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