Birdwatching has become an increasingly popular pastime. One of the great things about birdwatching is you don’t need to be a seasoned birder to take part - it’s easy to get hooked as we learn to appreciate nature in our own backyards.
All you need to get started is a sense of curiosity. Start in your own backyard – by observing the variety of birds that frequent your bird feeder. You can do it for fun or keep a running list of different bird species you discover (otherwise known as life list).
The best way to bird watch is to look and listen. You’ll be surprised by how many bird species you already recognize (chickadees, crows, mallards, etc).
Get started with this Backyard Bird Safari (LINK) and get to know some of the more common birds in your yard and neighbourhood.
You can borrow a bird guide at the library or download an app to help you identify birds.
With over 50 kilometres of recreational trails to explore in North Grenville, there are so many opportunities to explore and discover a variety of birds seasonally and year-round.
Get Involved
The Friends of the Ferguson Forest host a variety of events, including guided birding walks and birds of prey show.
Christmas Bird Count: Saturday, December 30, 2023
The Christmas Bird Count (CBC) is North America’s longest-running Citizen Science project.
A local group of birders started a count in the region a couple of years ago. If you want to get involved send an email to
Great Backyard Bird Count: February 16 – 19, 2024
For Four days in February, people are invited to spend time watching and counting as many birds as they can find. The observations are submitted to Birds Canada (and other organizations worldwide) to help scientists better understand global bird populations.
Anyone and everyone can participate - whether you count one bird or one hundred – it’s a fun way to connect to nature and learn more about birds.
To learn more and to participate, visit the Great Backyard Bird Count.
World Migratory Bird Day: May 11, 2024
Every year, one of the greatest bird migrations in the Western Hemispheres begins as migratory birds take flight back to their nesting grounds in the north. In May, we welcome back many of the songbirds, waterfowl and birds of prey who have made the long journey back.
World Migratory Bird Day is an annual celebration and opportunity to learn more about bird conservation.