North Grenville's Official Plan is the municipality's official policy statement of the proposed future development of the community, emphasizing land use. No development can take place that does not conform to the Official Plan. If you want to develop land in a way which is not in conformity with the Plan, for example, if you propose to construct a commercial project on land that is currently designated for residential purposes in the Official Plan, then you would have to apply for and obtain an Official Plan Amendment before any development applications could be approved.
Because an Official Plan is an important document in the planning process, any Amendment to it would usually involve numerous planning studies and public meetings.
If you believe you may need an Official Plan Amendment in order to carry out your proposed development, you should first contact a planner in the Municipality's Planning Department to determine if an amendment is in fact needed, or if the proposed development is appropriate for the site, or if there is another way in which the development could be accomplished. It may also be beneficial to refer your proposal to the Municipality's Development Review Team as part of the pre-consultation process. Contact
If it is determined that an amendment to the Official Plan is the only means available for accomplishing your development, then you should submit the appropriate application form complete with all required supporting documents, along with the appropriate fee to be discussed during consultation.