News, Media & Notices
It is with great sadness that the Municipality of North Grenville acknowledges the passing of Jean Hamlyn. Upon moving to Oxford-on-Rideau, Jean served with dedication and distinction as a Municipal Councillor, Deputy Reeve, and Reeve. In each of these roles, Jean was a tireless advocate for her community, demonstrating strong leadership and a deep commitment to improving the lives of residents across Oxford-on-Rideau and the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville. Her contributions during her tenure on council had a lasting impact on local governance, shaping the community for years to come.
North Grenville, ON - The Municipality of North Grenville is pleased to announce the opening of the 2025 Community Grant Program. This initiative invites individuals, non-profits, and organizations across North Grenville to apply for grants that will support and elevate community-based projects and initiatives.
Today, Council, municipal staff, and members of the public came together to raise the Childhood Cancer Awareness flag in recognition of September as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. This flag serves as a powerful symbol of the immense courage and resilience shown by the children and families in our community who are affected by this disease.
Take notice that the Corporation of the Municipality of North Grenville will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, September 11 at 6:30 p.m. at the North Grenville Municipal Centre (285 County Road 44) to consider the following items:
- A proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, File # ZBA-05-24, under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, as amended, will be considered.
- An application for a Minor Variance Application No: A-12-24 will be heard.
North Grenville, ON - The Municipality of North Grenville is excited to announce the second annual Mayor for a Day contest. This unique event will take place on Wednesday October 16, 2024, and will provide the selected participants with an exceptional opportunity to engage with municipal politics and civic issues alongside Mayor Nancy Peckford and her Council.
North Grenville, ON – The Municipality of North Grenville is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2024 Arts and Culture Development Fund, an initiative spearheaded by the Arts and Culture and Heritage Advisory Committee.
NOTICE: River Road continued rehabilitation begins August 21, 2024
The rehabilitation of River Road will take place from Lewis Bridge west to Actons Corners (approximately 800 m). Probable lane closures and flaggers will be on-site.
North Grenville, ON – The Municipality of North Grenville announces the retirement of Fire Chief John Okum on December 2, 2024, with his last day in the office being October 9, 2024. Chief Okum has served our community with dedication and professionalism, ensuring the safety and well-being of our residents for many years. We extend our deepest gratitude for his service and leadership.
North Grenville, ON – The Municipality of North Grenville has initiated the process of reviewing and updating its Official Plan (OP) to better reflect today’s North Grenville and to create a stronger vision for tomorrow. The Official Plan, a policy document that establishes the vision for how North Grenville will grow and develop as a community, is renewed every five years.